Let’s Grow Up

Most teens are excited about growing up. They’re allowed to drive at 16; vote at 18 and drink at 21. Therefore, most people associate growth…

The Halfway House

The US Justice Department leverages Half Way Houses to transition those who were in prison back into society. The goal is to get them acclimated…

The Bright Idea

Life is powered by ideas. Edison had the idea for the light bulb and it changed the world. The Wright Brothers had the idea of…

Do’s and Don’ts

In every society, we must know the do’s and don’ts in order to excel. We take driving tests to confirm we know the rules of…

The Today Show!

One of the most underrated, underappreciated words in the English language is the five letter word we know as “today”. So many spend time in…

The “N” Word

In social, political and business arenas, there is a word that is so derogatory and profane that it should never be used in public or…

The Workaholic

Most people frown on the term workaholics. We see people in this category as so obsessed with work that they have no time for anything…

Stand Up Comedy

We all like a good laugh and smiling is contagious. However, on many business team throughout the world, people aren’t laughing enough. Stress, pressure and…

False Advertising

We all appreciate accurate messages; which is why false advertising is so disappointing. It is common for us to expect to receive exactly what our…