Daily Soft Skills Podcasts

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A New or Another?

Most people get excited about the New Year. Many attend parties, special events and even make resolutions to celebrate the New Year. However, after the

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Make It Stick

Think of all the resources we have at our disposal to make things stick. From duct tape to cement and everything in between, adhesives are

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New Year’s Evolution

We are all familiar with making New Year’s Resolutions. We get excited about the things we’ll do to change for the upcoming year. However, most

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We All Need a Father

Research shows that children who grow up without a father are less likely to succeed in life than those who do. The unique love, protection,

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Paternity Test

In today’s society, there are very reliable tests that can be taken to determine the father of a child. DNA samples will override birth certificates,

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The Washing Machine

The washing machine may be the most underrated appliance in our homes. It is not used as much as the refrigerator and is certainly not

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Saving the Best for Last

Everyone is familiar with the importance of saving the best for last. In movies, the best scenes are always at the end. Fine restaurants specialize

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The Cemetery

We’ve all been to a cemetery at least once in our lives. It is the final resting place of the dead. Tombstones mark the graves

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The Runaways

Each year almost 3 million kids runaway from home. Many of them are fleeing neglect, abuse and other forms of mistreatment. As much as the

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